Our fast-growing network of independent publishers will provide you with a new source of additional high-quality global traffic, allow you to cover authentic and pre-selected audiences, and increment the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaigns.

Between Exchange has been developing its own platform and network of independent publishers since 2012 and has established itself as a reliable partner, paying special attention to the selection of its partners and building long-term relationships. We work with small digital content creators, independent publishers and authentic seller houses, whose inventory went through a strict pre-moderation procedure, while traffic is verified both by our own anti-fraud solution as well as by a third-party verifier.
We use an in-house developed programmatic technology platform built on a unique neural network and we cherish a first-class team of top-notch engineers and experts in the field of ML/AI and big data processing, that allow to significantly optimise the bid-stream and boost the performance of campaigns for our clients.